How to utilize the MCCYN military childcare subsidy at Aspen Leaf

Each Aspen Leaf location is currently an eligible provider for the MCCYN military subsidy, which means military families can receive the subsidy when their child attends any Aspen Leaf location. Here is how it works:

Step 1 – family eligibility/sign-up

The first step is to register for the military childcare subsidy through your service branch. This part is entirely the family’s responsibility and we (Aspen Leaf) do not know how this part of the process works. Military families should contact the relevant office or person with their service branch.

Step 2 – the cost worksheet

Once the military informs a family they are eligible for the subsidy (there may be a waitlist), the family must find care and then submit a cost worksheet to the subsidy processing office. Below is what the cost worksheet typically looks like. It requires us to complete a portion of the form and sign it. When the military sends you the cost worksheet, fill out what you can (use the preschool’s address), and send it to to complete and sign.

Step 3 – get the monthly form signed by Aspen Leaf

After MCCYN processes your cost worksheet, they will send you a Fee Assistance Benefit Form, which is the form you will submit each month to actually receive the subsidy payment. The form looks like this:

When you receive this form, send the UNDATED form to Howard ( (do NOT include any date at the top or bottom). Howard will sign the bottom, but will leave the form undated. The signed form you’ll then have can be used as a template each month, so you can submit the form to MCCYN without having to take the extra step of asking for a signature from Aspen Leaf.

Step 4 – date, sign, and submit the form each month

At the beginning of each month, complete and submit the monthly benefit form for the month prior. For example, if your benefit begins 9/1/24, then on or after 10/1/24, write “09/24” in the yellow box at the top-right, sign and date for both yourself and Howard at the bottom, and then send the completed form to MCCYN (they will give you instructions on where to send the form).

Important note #1: You must wait until the month is over to submit the form. As in the above example, submit the form for September in October. If you submit the form for one month in the same month, it will likely be rejected by MCCYN.

Important note #2: You must include some kind of drawn signature. You can use an e-signature that looks like script but is blatantly an e-signature, but your form will likely be rejected if you simply type “/s/ Your Name” in the signature line.

What happens next / how the payments work

A few days after you submit the signed monthly form, and assuming the form is not rejected for some reason, you and Aspen Leaf will get an email saying “A payment is being processed.” About a week after that, the money will be directly deposited into Aspen Leaf’s account.

Aspen Leaf will then record the payment, and you will receive a payment confirmation showing the payment has been applied to your account. This aspect is somewhat confusing. While MCCYN sends payments for specific months (the month prior), Aspen Leaf simply credits the amount received to whatever is currently due or will be due next.

If you are signed up for automatic ACH withdrawals, Aspen Leaf will adjust the monthly withdrawal amounts to account for the MCCYN subsidy payments.

Important note – tuition and MCCYN submissions are the family’s responsibility

It is important to remember that MCCYN has no contract or agreement with Aspen Leaf, and MCCYN is under no obligation to send Aspen Leaf any amount. The only agreements that exist are between Aspen Leaf and the individual families. This means that the families (you) continue to be responsible for payment of tuition, which is due on or before the 1st day of each month. Further, it is your responsibility to submit the monthly benefit form in order for MCCYN to send your subsidy payment.

Tuition/schedule changes or renewals

If your tuition rate or schedule changes, you will need to request and submit a new cost worksheet to apprise MCCYN of the change and receive your new subsidy amount. Likewise, when the end of your subsidy period is coming to an end, you will need to “renew” your subsidy by submitting a new cost worksheet. In either case, simply follow the process set forth above (and check the appropriate box in the worksheet for rate change or renewal).


If you have any questions regarding the MCCYN subsidy, simply reach out to Howard.

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